Health and Welfare Update

Many are asking about our benefits for the year 2012 and what's happening. The Health and Welfare Trustees are working toward getting everything finalized for the upcoming coverage year, including calculating who is in benefit and how much the subsidy will be. Your letters from Global Benefits stating your benefit status will be forthcoming as...


Here is a reprint of President Batulis's email that was sent to the membership March 7, 2011.  Please read as there is important information within regarding the March meeting, dues and receipts, the Secretary/Treasurer position, RSP for 2011, and Health Benefits.


Information Regarding WinMill

Looking for more information on "WinMill" and worried that your personal information will be safe? Here are some facts about the new system that can put your mind to rest.


WinMill Software is the designer of the database which we are using. The database is web based so that the officers working are able t...